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Hamed Farag

Hamed Farag

Lead Frontend Engineer

Hala! It's me, Hamed M. Alaa Farag.

I have been working with development since 2010. Started out and worked for almost 6 years as a .NET developer, but I found that my passion is building front-end stuff since 2016.

Nowadays, I am a full-time Lead Frontend Engineer @ WakeCap developing and maintaining products based on IoT technologies.

Fun fact about me, I am a color-blind person 😁.

I love sharing knowledge. This website is my space to share whatever random thoughts and ideas I come up with. Welcome!

const hamed = {
  pronouns: "he" | "him",
  code: ["Javascript", "Typescript", "HTML", "CSS", "SCSS"],
  tools: [
  architectures: ["Component-Based", "Object-Oriented", "Micro-Frontend"],
  locations: ["Cairo", "Riyadh", "Dubai"],
  hobbies: [
    { name: "Photography", url: "https://500px.com/p/hamedfarag" },
      name: "Podcast",
      url: "https://open.spotify.com/show/3aiMMbfE8PMXFMK0QBvJTD",
  website: "https://www.hamedfarag.dev/",